Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jung, Yong Tae/classification/Tue3,4


 My ideal job is an international marketer. An international marketer is a person who sells a product or solution to other countries' markets. Because of this vocational feature, an international marketer should have exceptional abilities such as good communication skills, knowledge about the product, and good manners. I have tried to get those skills during my lifetime. I'd like to explain why these abilities are important: communication skills, knowledge about the product, good manner.

 The most important ability is communication skills. Because it is hard to sell a product in the foreign market without regional companies' help, I have to convince that countries companies. When I want to persuade those companies' manager, I need great communication skills to affect their decision to buy our products. Many people easily assumed that marketing is just selling a product to other people; however, I think marketing is buying people's mind. To get someone's mind, I have to move his thought with a conversation.

 The second essential ability is to know about the product. When a person becomes an international marketer, he or she has many chances to present product in front of clients. If he doesn't have broad information related to the product, he can't explain the features of product. Also, he isn't able to answer all the questions during the presentation session because clients can raise difficult questions.

 The third crucial ability is good manners. The first impression is really important and usually, a person can't easily forget someone's impression and that memory will have an influence on the decision making process. People can figure out a person's characteristics by his or her manner. That's why good manner is a really important aspect for being an international marketer.

 To sum up, there are three important abilities that require for my dream job. Those skills are communication skills, understanding the product, and good manners. When someone wants to be an international marketer, these abilities are imperative. I try to master these skills to become an international marketer and when I am skilled in these ability, I'm in the position called CMO(Chief Marketing Officer).


  1. 1. I like how your started off the essay by explaining a term that might be unfamiliar to some readers. Your first sentence made me curious about who international marketers are, but you clarified in the following sentence what international marketers do.

    2. Your main point seems to be that there are three skills-communication skills, knowledge about the product, and good manners- that are important to an international marketer.

    3. Variation in use of vocabulary was very impressive-there was little redundancies in your topic sentences. For example, you used the words 'important', 'essential', and 'crucial' instead of sticking with the same word. Such use of synonyms makes your essay more rhythmical and interesting.

    4. The phrase "I have to convince that countries companies." In the first body paragraph is unclear. It's difficult to grasp what you were trying to say. Does it mean thatyou have to convince those countries' companies?

    5. In the second body paragraph, you first say 'he or she', and in the following sentence say 'he'. I think it would be better if you used 'he or she' instead of 'he'.

    -Yun Jeong Lee 201002551

  2. 1. What I like about this piece of writing is that you show confidence about the work you are doing to be an international marketer.

    2. Your main point seems that three abilities you need to be an international marketer.

    3. These particular words or lines struck me as powerful:
    I try to master these skills to become an international marketer and when I am skilled in these ability, I'm in the position called CMO(Chief Marketing Officer).
    I like the last sentence because you are confident about the effort you’re making to be an international marketer and because of that confidence, it makes your essay more powerful.

    4. Some things aren't clear to me. These particular words or lines could be improved.
    -Nothing was unclear. Because it is hard to sell a product in the foreign market without regional companies' help, I have to convince that countries companies.
    May be it would be more clear if you explain why an international marketer needs regional companies’ help.
    -The third crucial ability is good manners. The first impression is really important and usually, a person can't easily forget someone's impression and that memory will have an influence on the decision making process
    May be it would be better if you first explain the link between the first impression and good manners rather than explaining in the back of the paragraph.

    5. The one change you could make that would make the biggest improvement.
    May be it would be more specific if you give readers some examples about how the skills can be used in the actual working.

  3. My ideal job is an international marketer. An international marketer is a person who sells a product or solution to other countries' markets. Because of this vocational feature, an international marketer should have exceptional abilities such as good communication skills, knowledge about the product, and good manners. I have tried to get those skills during my lifetime. I'd like to explain why these abilities are important: communication skills, knowledge about the product, and good manner.
    The most important ability is communication skills. Because it is hard to sell a product in the foreign market without regional companies' help, I have to convince those countries’ companies. When I want to persuade those companies' manager, I need great communication skills to affect their decision to buy our products. Many people easily assumed that marketing is just selling a product to other people; however, I think marketing is buying people's mind. To get someone's mind, I have to move his thought with a conversation.
    The second essential ability is to know about the product. When a person becomes an international marketer, he has many chances to present product in front of clients. If he doesn't have broad information related to the product, he can't explain the features of product. Also, he isn't able to answer all the questions during the presentation session because clients can raise difficult questions.
    The third crucial ability is good manners. The first impression is really important and usually, a person can't easily forget someone's impression and that memory will have an influence on the decision making process. People can figure out a person's characteristics by his or her manner. That's why good manner is a really important aspect for being an international marketer.
    To sum up, there are three important abilities that require for my dream job. Those skills are communication skills, understanding the product, and good manners. When someone wants to be an international marketer, these abilities are imperative. I try to master these skills to become an international marketer and when I am skilled in these ability, I'm in the position called CMO(Chief Marketing Officer).
