Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jisu Song 201001709 / Persuasive essay / Tuesday 11 a.m.

201001709 Jisu Song


           Why sharing movies should be banned


           Most people have illegally downloaded movies at least once in their lifetime. Once someone discovers how easy and cheap it is to watch it online, he or she keeps downloading through the net. However, downloading movies off the net must be prohibited on three reasons: it is a crime, it demotivates creators' will to work hard, and it is against our economic system.

First, sharing movies off the Internet is stealing other's intellectual property. There is an official way of enjoying movies such as going to the theater, buying official DVD, and using official downloading. Many people do not use these ways, but use torrent to get free movies or pay only little money in P2P sites. People generally think when they do it; it's not a crime because everybody does it. They are not aware that they are committing a serious crime. So, the government or the film industry should alert people how serious it is to the society.

           Second, it will demotivate creators' will to produce something new and interesting. People get paid for what they do and make a living. So those who work in film industry should receive the right pay they deserve. Also they are people who want to be acknowledged. As money is essential and the creators don't want to be underrated, illegal downloading might lead to creators stop producing creative work. In the long term, this would significantly affect our society.

           Some people might say that paying full prices for a movie is way too expensive. Normally a movie ticket costs about 8,000 won at theater and 10,000 won on Olleh TV. I understand that view. However, downloading movies off the web is illegal. If you cannot or do not want to pay for something, you should not use it. That is how our economic system is. Also it can harm people in other ways. In many cases, P2P film files have a lot of viruses attached which can significantly affect your computer. So illegal downloading doesn't always give you benefits.

           In conclusion, people should not illegally download movies by the Internet. Illegal downloading is stealing others' hard earned intellectual property. It also discourages creators' desire to work hard. If people continue this criminal act, it will damage our economic system and as a result, the quality of films will worsen. Then, we won't be able to enjoy great movies anymore.


  1. 1. What I like about this piece of writing is well-organized and giving clear thesis statements.

    2. Your main point seems to be on the very last sentence in the first paragraph.

    3. The writer gives concrete examples to support the argument and that becomes more making sense for me.

    4. “That is how our economic system is” this isn’t clear. If you use “works” instead of “beV”, it will become clearer for me. “As money is essential and the creators don't want to be underrated”, it is just personal opinion that do the artists or movie directors really pursue money? That harms the artists’ value.

    5. The writer use the same words again and again such as demotivate, download, official, etc.

1. What I like about this piece of writing is that it looks well-organized.

    2. Your main point seems that Sharing movies off the internet is a crime, it demotivates creators' will to work hard, and it is against our economic system.

3. These particular words or lines struck me as powerful:

    Words or lines: Normally a movie ticket costs about 8,000 won at theater and 10,000 won on Olleh TV.

    I like them because: it's nothing about the words you used, but it's a good example.

    4. Some things aren't clear to me.
    You mentioned it harms economic system, but I don't see the clear logic in your writing. You could provide some examples?

5. The one change you could make that would make the biggest improvement in this piece of writing is that : The hook is a bit boring. It would've been better if you tried out something more eye-catching.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 201001709 Jisu Song

    Why sharing movies should be banned

    Have you ever illegally downloaded a movie on the web? Once someone discovers how easy and cheap it is to watch it online, he or she keeps downloading through the net. However, downloading movies off the net must be prohibited on three reasons: it is a crime, it dissuades creators' will to work hard, and it is against our economic system.
    First, sharing movies off the Internet is stealing other's intellectual property. There is an official way of enjoying movies such as going to the theater, buying official DVD, and using legitimate downloading. Many people do not use these ways, but use torrent to get free movies or pay only little money in P2P sites. People generally think when they do it; it's not a crime because everybody does it. They are not aware that they are committing a serious crime. So, the government or the film industry should alert people how serious it is to the society.
    Second, it will demotivate creators' will to produce something new and interesting. People get paid for what they do and make a living. So those who work in film industry should receive the right pay they deserve. Also they are people who want to be acknowledged. As money is essential to make a living and the creators don't want to be underrated, illegal downloading might lead to creators stop producing creative work. In the long term, this would significantly affect our society.
    Some people might say that paying full prices for a movie is way too expensive. Normally a movie ticket costs about 8,000 won at theater and 10,000 won on Olleh TV. I understand that view. However, downloading movies off the web is illegal. If you cannot or do not want to pay for something, you should not use it. That is how our economic system works. Also it can harm people in other ways. In many cases, P2P film files have a lot of viruses attached which can significantly affect your computer. So illegal downloading doesn't always give you benefits.
    In conclusion, people should not illegally download movies by the Internet. Illegal downloading is stealing others' hard earned intellectual property. It also discourages creators' desire to work hard. If people continue this criminal act, it will damage our economic system and as a result, the quality of films will worsen. Then, we won't be able to enjoy great movies anymore.
