Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hannah Bae/ Reaction essay/ Tue 3,4

     Do you like taking a picture? Each photograph has a story of the moments. For example, how we felt, whom we were with, and what we did. Through pictures, we are able to share memories and remember the moments vividly. In our textbook, there are two photographs titled 'Village School' and 'Children's Puppet Theatre'. Although addressed the same subject, children, they show a contrast and tell us different stories.

     In the 'Village School', what draws the attention at first are the faces of children. It seems like they didn't want to take a picture because most of them are frowning. None of them are smiling. Also, when we look at their poses, we can find that they are sitting still, without any movement. Maybe they are nervous because it's the first day of school or disappointed because the teacher was not like whom they imagined. There are some mysterious parts, too. None of them has a book on the desk. Considering the place, it's really weird.

     On the contrary, in the 'Children's Puppet Theatre', we feel much brighter atmosphere first. Everyone is watching the puppet show, maybe. Children are surprised at the scene in front of them. Some are screaming and others are laughing. The boy at the left side is closing ears with his hands. Perhaps something will explode soon, like balloons. In addition, a girl at the end of right side looks really frightening and it makes the picture funny. Unlike the former picture, children in this picture are hanging out together. It looks like they are close friends.

     Even though the focus, children, is same in these two pictures, we can find the differences. The expressions on their faces, the movements of body, and the bonds between children. They make the entire atmosphere totally different. What we feel when see the first picture is the strictness, fears. However, in the second picture, there's no such things. Only the excitement, curiosity comes to mind. Unlike fist picture where everyone is sitting in their seats still and act individually, the second one shows the intimacy and closeness of friends.

     Like this, every picture tells a different story. Some might be funny and bright while others are gloomy and calm. If we are not the one who were in there, getting the whole story would be impossible. However, when we are the subjects, we could be reminded of the memory and smile with people who were in there together. Do you want to capture this moment in your memory for a long time? Then, take out a camera and say "Cheese". 


  1. From Hyein Jin 200903450 To Hannah Bae

    1. What I like about this piece of writing is your conclusion. Unlike other peers, you bring your own emotion to develop that part and extend it. I like it!

2. Your main point seems that there are different emotions in each pictures even thought they are dealing with same subject, and you also encourage readers to take picture in order to remain memories.

3. These particular words or lines struck me as powerful:

    Maybe they are nervous because it's the first day of school or disappointed because the teacher was not like whom they imagined.

    I love your guessing here, and this enriches the whole quality and density of your writing.

    4. Some things aren't clear to me.
    Your organizing and structure have no problem, but it seems you are slightly missing the point of the essay, because it was supposed to illustrate and compare two pictures in terms of photographic techniques and effects.

5. The one change you could make that would make the biggest improvement in this piece of writing is that it would be better if you used more terms of photography that we learnt in the book. For example : The main center of interest/contrast/lightening, etc

  2. From Seungmi Park To Hanna Bae

    1. What I like about this piece of writing is your personal opinion in the conclusion. and your last sentence that you ended your essay with was creative :)

2. Your main point seems that two photographs titled 'Village School' and 'Children's Puppet Theatre'. Although addressed the same subject, children, they show a contrast and tell us different stories.

3. These particular words or lines struck me as powerful:

    Maybe they are nervous because it's the first day of school or disappointed because the teacher was not like whom they imagined. There are some mysterious parts, too. None of them has a book on the desk. Considering the place, it's really weird.

    : For the first sentence, I liked it because you used your imagination to analyze the picture. in the second sentence, you said something is off about this picture. I thought you were very observatory.

    4. Some things aren't clear to me.

    Somehow I didn't feel like it's a reaction essay as I read it through. perhaps you should've focused a bit more on comparing and analyzing those emotions in the two pictures?

5. The one change you could make that would make the biggest improvement in this piece of writing is that you use more various vocabulary that a reaction essay should have.
